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Spiritual Mentor :- Em Chatfield , Australia

For Inquery

    This image was taken by a beautiful creative friend of mine: Talia Sovereign.

    She and I danced around in the forest naked as I immersed myself in nature and connected to the Mother.

    This image strikes me as one of my favorite because I feel the peace through the image, the peace I feel when I am at one with nature. I remember how soft and gentle the fern was as it touched my face and as I tried not to worry about the camera in front of me, I dropped into presence with the earth and I feel that presence has been captured here.

    I feel the need to switch off the machine noise.

    Really take some time in the quite to actually tune in deeply with myself, my households energy and that God energy.
    And when I say that I don’t mean through yoga, or meditating. Through breathwork or mushrooms. I mean every minute. With everyone action and move. Knowing and walking alongside God. Which essentially comes through as your highest self.

    A conscious recognition that all “this” is bigger than me.

    when I go and add my own story, then I add someone else’s big story etc etc… well, this bigness of our actual human existence gets bigger and heavier and harder to “figure out”…
    then I just crumble under the weight.

    But when I just let go and stop trying to figure it out. When I surrender the idea of knowing why I walk this path, knowing why I attract alll these experiences and lessons… when I finally release the desire to have all the answers… thats when I find GOD. The god energy. The energy that created everything.

    Then I feel comforted. I feel safe. I feel like whatever created us didn’t create us to be in pain. Oh, this Doesn’t mean I know why we experience pain… it means I’ve let go of figuring it out. No more thinking. Just letting it all be without explanation.

    When I walk my path this way it feels way less overwhelming to move through my human existence and easy to forget that I am in fact up against a machine!!!

    Last week when i gave myself two weeks off work with only 500 dollars savings (that we’re meant to be for an overseas trip) in my bank account, I had to trust I would be looked after… that within my surrender and within that act of service TO MYSELF…that self recognition of one’s experience.
    I knew would be taken care of by God.
    That no energy made of pure love… that is also within me and my decisions, would allow me to crumble even more for simply taking my hand off the gear stick of the “machine” and asking God to CHANGE GEARS!!

    When I drop the act,
    drop the charade
    and just focus on my connection with God
    the machine doesn’t feel so powerful anymore.
    When I stop worrying about how, who or what is judging me and my decisions and just focus on god… I am held.

    Thankful for those who have reminded me over these past few months how special, loved and supported I am.

    Thank you self. For loving yourself just enough to recognize you were heading for mental break down and then loving yourself just enough to prevent it.

    Your.Rising.Witness , Em Chatfield